Full-Service Proposition

Charges Explained




No initial fees for advice or product transfer.

1.00% annual fee will determine the level of the service provided. 

Annual reviews and meetings are dependent on your level of service proposition.


In the example below, a client has agreed to transfer an existing pension policy valued at £100,000.000 to a new plan with a full-service proposition.

Below are the initial and ongoing service costs. The tables under the heading Aggregated costs and charges as of 01/12/2022 detail the total cost of the advice, ongoing service, platform charges, fund charges and transactional charges of the underlying funds in the first year of investment.

A Risk Level 4 (Moderate) Portfolio has been used to determine the fund costs with an annual growth assumption of 4.90%.

Initial Fee

No fee for initial planning and implementation.

Ongoing Fee

1.00% annual fee which is taken monthly in arrears from your plan (0.833% per month based on the value of your investment).

Reviews and Updates

Annual review and meeting with your Financial Adviser to discuss your plan, your current circumstances and risk levels.

Regular updates and investment portfolio fund rebalancing if market sentiment changes.

Aggregated costs and charges as at 1/12/2022

We want you to understand the various costs and charges that are associated with our services and recommended solutions, along with the effect that these may have on what your plans return to you.

In the table below we have provided some information on all costs and charges that could apply over the next twelve months. We have also included an indication of the overall effect of these costs and charges on returns over this period.



Total Costs & Charges in Year 1



The table below details the charges applying:

Breaks down individual cost charges in monetary and percentage terms.


COST (£)

RATE (%)

Initial Adviser Charge



On-going Adviser Charge



On-going Platform Charge



On-going costs of the underlying funds within a plan(s)



On-going transaction costs of the underlying funds



The table below shows the cumulative effect of costs on return:

Assumed growth rate before charges of 4.90% per annum.



What you might get back if there were no charges at all


What you might get back after charges




Our Service Propositions

Full-Service Proposition

No initial fees for advice or product transfer.

1.00% annual fee will determine the level of the service provided. 

Annual reviews and meetings are dependent on your level of service proposition.

Transactional Proposition

Initial fees range from 2.50% down to 1.00% on the amount invested.

No ongoing service provided when using the service.

Cost of annual reviews and meetings dependent on the number of tax wrappers.

Hourly Rate Proposition

Initial fees are costed at a rate of £195.00 per hour excluding VAT.

No on-going service provided when using the service.

Annual reviews are costed at a rate of £195.00 per hour with investment into one fund solution.

  Get in touch

If you would like to learn more or book a no-obligation initial meeting, we would love to hear from you. Enter your details below and we will be in touch.

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