Client Area


Website Links

Where we have provided links to third party websites for further information, you should be aware that we are not responsible for the accuracy, availability or functionality of these sites, and thus cannot be held liable, directly or indirectly, for any loss however caused by your use of these linked sites.

Document Library

Documents and administration forms for existing and new clients to download.

Guides & Brochures

Over time we’ll publish a series of helpful and comprehensive guides for you to download, read and share, including a Bi-monthly guide for PWS Clients covering a wide variety of topics, including pensions, investments, inheritance tax, buying your first home and protecting yourself against fraud.

Personal Finance News

Keep up with the latest personal finance and investment news and blogs.

Introduce a Client

We strive to provide you with an exceptional level of service and would welcome the opportunity to extend this to friends, family members and colleagues.

Personal Finance Portal (PFP)

PFP is a service available only from your financial adviser or mortgage broker. PFP can give you access to view all your finances in one place, 24/7, on any mobile or web device.

  Get in touch

If you would like to learn more or book a no-obligation initial meeting, we would love to hear from you. Enter your details below and we will be in touch.

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